Join the Board of Directors

Are you interested in joining the BACU Board of Directors?

As a Director of the credit union, you are involved in numerous aspects of credit union planning. You attend regular meetings and play an integral part in ensuring the longevity and success of our credit union. You ensure a high level of governance and establish our strategic objectives while planning for the future. Sub-committees allow for the expertise of specialized professionals to offer their advice and guidance that will ultimately better our credit union.

Details of being a Belgian-Alliance Credit Union Director can be found in our Director Candidate and Board of Directors' Orientation Information Guide.

If you or someone you know is interested in running for the Board, we encourage you to contact us. If the upcoming election year will not allow you to run for election, however you are interested in running for election in future years, we encourage you to let us know and we will keep your name on file for the future. You can make a difference for your credit union! Contact us via our Nominations Email for more information.

We're on Board. Are you?

Your Board of Directors 2024/2025

Term Expiry
Joanne Mercier, Chair 2027
John Vandewater, Vice-Chair 2025
Marc Lemoine, Corporate Secretary 2025
Bohdana Bashuk 2025
Remi Brengman 2026
Tom Daeninck 2027
Ian Dunne 2026
Rachelle Needham 2026
Ron Wersch 2027