A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is a government-approved plan that helps people save money for their retirement. Any contributions made (within limits imposed by the Canada Revenue Agency) are tax deductible and the interest earned is tax sheltered. You can contribute a lump sum to your Belgian-Alliance Credit Union RRSP or you can set up an automatic transfer that can coincide with your pay schedule. Alternatively, deposits can be made through our Online Banking.

RRSPs can be purchased as a fixed term, ranging from 1 to 5 years or as a variable option, which allows subsequent deposits to be made to the plan.

All deposits guaranteed without limit by the Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba.

Locked-In Retirement Accounts (LIRA) are also available for certain jurisdictions. Contact your branch for details.

Home Buyers' Plan

The Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) is a program that allows up to $25,000 to be withdrawn from your RRSP to buy or build a qualifying home for yourself or for a related person with a disability.

For details on the Home Buyers' Plan please speak with one of our staff members.

Lifelong Learning Plan

The Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) allows you to withdraw money from your RRSP to finance education or training for yourself, your spouse, or your common-law partner. It cannot be used for your children.

Speak with one of our staff members for details on the Lifelong Learning Plan.